
HackYourFuture Belgium

JavaScript 1!

Things are about to get real! Over the last three week’s you’ve become familiar with the basic workflow of a web developer using GitHub, GitKraken, VSC & your browser to develop and deploy static web pages. Starting this week you begin your journey into JavaScript, making web pages that can store and process user input, change and respond to user feedback. This won’t be easy but it iwll be worth it!

check the wiki for supporting resources

Module Exercises

The exercises in this module are more challenging and more important than those in the HTML, CSS & GitHub. Don’t wait till the last week to start!

Something to keep in mind while you are working on these exercises is that it’s ok to be confused by how to complete them at first. Learning how to work with the code in the exercises folder is just as important as passing the exercises themselves! Working back and forth between VSC and your browser’s devtools to complete the exercises will help you master these important skills in a realistic setting:

So don’t be discouraged if it’s taking you a while to get comfortable completing this module’s exercises, that’s part of your learning!

The Different Types of Exercises: All of your exercises will ask you to work with functions, but not all functions will be evaluated the same way. Some exercises will evaluate what’s inside the function using console.assert, asking you to master how JS interprets your code. Some exercises will only evaluate your functions using test cases, meaning they only care about what happens outside your function (inputs & outputs). Some will do both. :

There is a suggested order to the exercises, which is the order they are included into the index.html file. But you are not required to study them in this order.
You’ll know you’ve completed the exercises when all of the links in your browser are either black or green

Weekly Projects

How does JS connect to HTML & CSS?

The projects in this module will introduce how to understand the relationship between JS & HTML/CSS, giving you a first step towards understanding what happens behind the pretty web apps you use every day. To help you get a start down this long road of understanding, you’ll learn how to use 3-layer handlers to connectJavaScript logic to your html/css web pages in a modular and organized.

You will need to complete:

  1. The core JavaScript logic necessary to complete the weekly user stories.
  2. The HTML & CSS user interface, for your JavaScript logic.

For each week’s project you will be given:

Incremental Development 2.0: git instead of folders

Last module the projects emphasized breaking your web pages into small steps and using incremental development to reach a final webpage. This module we will expect you to continue practicing incremental development, but will no longer ask you to have each step in a new folder. For this module’s projects you should begin using git commits (and branches if you’re feeling ambitious!) to split your projects into clearly labeled steps, the same way you used folders in the last module. When we look through your repository’s commit history we should see clearly labeled commits that store working but incomplete versions of the week’s project.

For a more clear idea of what this will look like take some time to clone Built With Branches and study it using GitKraken, VSC & running it in your browser. What happens when you check out old commits/branches and open VSC or refresh your browser?